Today: Closed
Mar 17, 2022

The effects of winter weather on our roads becomes pretty apparent on those bumpy rides in the spring. But, some “bumps” are more serious than others. Potholes are usually caused through the expansions and contraction of groundwater. Water will seep into the cracks in the pavement, freeze and expand in the winter, and then thaw and leave gaps and voids in the pavement for more water to seep into and start the process all over again. Over time the structural integrity of the road is weakened and large chunks of pavement can become loose or displaced and potholes will form. Potholes come in various shapes and sizes and usually drivers only really avoid the big ones, but King Kia is here to tell you potholes are dangerous to drivers no matter their size. Below are some of the ways in which potholes can damage your vehicle. If you’re worried about the effects of your recent bumpy rides on your car, schedule a service appointment at the King Kia service center and our certified professionals will make sure your car is road ready. 

The Effects Of Potholes On Your Car:

Wheel Misalignment

  • This can happen when you hit one big pothole or overtime if you regularly drive on rough roads. Misalignment makes it harder to drive a straight course, puts undue stress on your suspension system, and impacts the lifespan of your tires as well. 

Shot Suspension System

  • This system works to reduce the effects of driving over uneven or bumpy roads on your cabin and other driving components. It can get worn down over time or if abused by large sudden dips and make for unsafe driving conditions. 

Wheel and Rim Damage

  • When your wheels come into contact with deep or jagged-edged potholes, rims can be dented and tires can get punctured or even blown out.