Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Jan 15, 2019


Servicing your vehicle isn’t just a once a year type of thing or an every once in a while habit. It’s a year-round task that you need to keep up with in order to keep your vehicle in great shape. We know – servicing your ride can be a daunting task and to me, it can be a big pain in the butt. We want to make that easier for you and your vehicle. This week we are sharing with you our guide on year-round services that you should stay on top of. Check it out below and don’t forget to check out our service and parts offers to save yourself some cash when you stop into service. Alright – let’s get started!


5 Year-Round Car Care Tips:

  1. Windshield Wipers – An easy and quick checkup can help keep your windshield wipers in great shape and will help you see when out on the road. Replace worn wiper blades and frames, and check on the rubber squeegee. Think about investing in wipers specifically designed for the current season you are in for the best results.
  2. Check The Fluids – No matter what type of fluid, you should be checking at the beginning of each new season. From your engine oil, windshield wiper fluid, coolant, brake fluid, and more – check them to see if they are full or need to be flushed out completely.
  3. Lighting – Winter is known for being dark but summer months can sometimes call for late night drives which means that you’ll need your headlights. If your headlights are dirty, dim, dying or none of the previous, it’s a smart choice to check up on your entire lighting system to ensure you’ll have no problems when you hop in when the roads are dark.
  4. Tires – Checking up on your tires is an easy and quick task that won’t have you wasting much time and won’t require extreme expertise in order to figure out. Simply check your tires to ensure that the tread is still in good shape and check the tire’s PSI. If you’re not sure how to do this, give us a call or stop in to see us for help.
  5. Battery – Extreme temperatures are known for killing a battery and if you can’t remember the last time you had your battery tested, it’s probably time. Whether you’re ready to have your battery tested or replaced altogether, it’s a good idea to check up on your battery more than once in a while. A simple service check-up can keep your vehicle from dying on the side of the road.