Today: Closed
Jul 12, 2023

Happy summer! It’s time to hit the road and ensure there are no breakdowns along the way. How can you ensure that? Well with a little TLC summer service before hitting the road. This week we have five summer services that you most definitely want to check up on before heading out. If you have questions, be sure to contact our team today. Or schedule an appointment online today! Check out those services below! 

Windshield wipers 

  • While it is summer, it is bound to rain at a point to help cool things off. That means you need a good set of wipers that will keep excess water off your windshield and your vision clear. A good habit to start is checking on your wipers every time you stop for gas or change them every oil change. 

Check your coolant system 

  • When temperatures are rising, it’s important to keep cool. Ourselves and our vehicles. In addition to checking up on the coolant fluid levels, it’s important to check the state of the hoses and the coolant reservoir. Any leaks should be addressed as soon as possible. And hoses should be firm. 

Engine belts 

  • Over time your engine belt can become loose, deteriorate, and start to squeal. It’s important to have your engine belt checked to ensure there are no cracks, missing pieces, and that there is the right amount of tension. 

Air Filters 

  • Winter is known for clogging your windshield-washer nozzle and your car’s air filters. So, when summer hits, it’s important to make sure these areas are clean and ready to go. Sometimes you can change filters yourself but if you’re not sure, ask a technician! 


  • While you should be checking your tires year-round, summer is a great time to ensure that tire pressure levels are correct and you still have a good amount of tread still. Summer is the season of road trips, so it’s important to keep up to date with your tires. Plus, be sure to check up on your spare tire as well.