Today: Closed
Sep 26, 2018

Whether you live in a neighborhood or pass through one on occasion, there are many things that you need to constantly be on the lookout for. Children playing, dogs running across the road, sidewalks, crosswalks, and everything in between. While many people believe driving through a neighborhood is a safe drive and doesn’t require much attention, the truth is is that it does. A drive must be at their most careful and vigilant when passing through a neighborhood. This week, we have a list of safety tips to help you pass through while being safe and keeping the neighborhood a safe place too.


  • Drive slowly and take your time. A vehicle passing by at or under the reduced speed limit in neighborhoods can and will prevent a severe accident from happening.
  • Don’t tailgate slower drivers. Give them space and let them take their time. Be polite to other drivers, bicyclists, and others who you are sharing the roadway with. Don’t pass, this could lead to dangerous situations.
  • Be cautious when passing through intersections and turns. Be sure to look in all directions twice for potential hazards before advancing through the intersection. If children are nearby, there is a chance they may walk out in front of your without looking – be vigilant.
  • Give pedestrians the right of way and look for people in the roadway or people who are looking to cross the road. Either slow down or come to a complete stop and let them pass by, especially if they are waiting in a crosswalk.
  • Always use your lights. In dark areas, use your headlights to illuminate the roadway so you can see potential hazards. You may even need to use your high beams in some areas. Turn them on and go slow.


And there you have it! Five safety tips for driving through a neighborhood! We hope you will use these in your everyday commute or the next time you have to pass through a neighborhood. Have others we didn’t mention? Let us know what tips you use or what ones you would like to see other drivers using when they pass through your neighborhood.