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Car & Truck Tire Sales & Service

Car & Truck Tire Sales & Service
in Gaithersburg
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King Kia offers car & truck tire sales & service for all makes & models.
We serve areas near Gaithersburg, Rockville, Bethesda, Germantown, & Silver Spring, MD.

If you want to keep your vehicle operating in top shape, you need to remember to keep up with all of the routine maintenance that it requires. There are several different parts and components of your vehicle that will require regular attention in order to ensure that everything continues to operate smoothly. One example of this would be your car's (or truck's) tires

Proper Tire Tread Depth Is Critical To Your Car's Safe Operation - Have You Checked Your Tires?

Tires not only balance the weight of the entire vehicle, but they are the only part that comes in direct contact with the road at all times. Over time, this constant contact will cause the tread on the tires to wear down, thus causing the tires to have less traction, eventually making them unsafe. There are several things you can do to help ensure that your tires last as long as possible before having to eventually replace them. 

Do you know why tire rotation is important to tire wear? - Do Your Tires Need Rotation?

One of the best ways to keep your tires in top condition is to have them rotated regularly. Rotating all four tires ensures that they wear evenly since tires in the front and back of the vehicle will wear at a different pace. Therefore, rotating them will keep any one tire from wearing out more than the others since they will each spend time in different spots. Having your tires rotated is something that you should have done every few months, generally any time that you bring it in for an oil change.

Tires Tread Depth Below Maryland's Code Limits Are Not Safe - Or Legal! - We'll Check Your Tires

Eventually, the tires on your vehicle are going to become completely worn down no matter how often you rotate them. When that happens, you will need to have them replaced because if the tread depth gets too low then the tires will become essentially useless. Therefore, you should be sure to check the tread depth of your tires periodically to see how low it has gotten. There is an old school trick that you can use that is quick and simple, and all you need is a penny. You take the penny and place it in the tire tread with Lincoln's head facing down. If you can still see the top of his head then the tread has gotten much too low and it is time for your tires to be replaced. 

At King Kia - Schedule An Appointment Online To Have Your Car or Truck Tires  Checked

If you live near Gaithersburg, Rockville, Bethesda, Germantown, or Silver Spring, MD and your vehicle is in need of a tire rotation, or you want your tire's safety checked, or, it is simply time for your tires to be replaced, be sure to make an appointment with King Kia's Service Center.